Life Education

Parent’s spiritual class

Established in 2012, it allows parents and children to learn and grow together 。Classes for parents’ spiritual growth include courses on the Fo Guang philosophy, parent-child education, medical/health topics, social issues, art and crafts, tea meditation, Dharma courses, thematic sharing, reading sessions, and sharing of learning experiences. Classes are taught by instructors from the Buddha’s Lights members, Buddha’s Light Lay Dharma teachers, scholars, and Venerable. Members of the Parent’s Spiritual Growth Class and their children learn together, faith and lineage and dedicate themselves to Humanistic Buddhism together at FGS PJ.

Life Education


Grand Master Ven Hsing Yun hopes that wherever there are Fo Guang members, there will be Scouts to practise the Three Good Deeds : speak good words, do good deeds, and think good thoughts, combined with the Scout’s philosophy of “doing one good deed a day” to nurture the future masters of the nation. On May 22, 2005, the first Buddhist Scout Troop was established at FGS PJ in Malaysia on Wesak Day. This is also the first Buddhist Scout Troop in the history of Scouts in Malaysia.

The annual event of Fo Guang Scout Troop Malaysia is the annual camping held during the school holidays in November. The theme of the event is “Say good words, do good deeds, and think good thoughts” , the practice of serving people and the Scouts’ philosophy of “doing good every day”. In addition to the camping experience, the program also includes scout training, outdoor survival skills, Dharma lectures, meditation, formal Buddhist meal etiquette , campfire, group recreation, games, and various Badge advancement exams.