恭逢阿彌陀佛誕辰,本中心謹訂於 2024年12月13日至15日(農曆十一月十三至十五日)啟建禪淨共修彌陀法會,此超薦法會陰陽兩利,殊勝功德專伸迴向過往先遠考妣宗親蓮品高昇、薦拔累劫冤親債主得以上昇淨土,同登極樂佛國,此殊勝功德并迴向與會善信平安吉祥,福慧增長,闔府安康。屆時竭誠歡迎信眾蒞臨壇場共沾法益,護持道場,淨化人心,功德無量!
Dear Dharma Friends,
This year, Fo Guang Shan Malaysia (PJ SS3) has scheduled a Dharma Service in celebration of the Amitabha Buddha’s birthday on 13/12/2024-15/12/2024. By reciting the name of Amitabha Buddha, we pray for the world peace and the blessings for the continuous growth of wisdom and compassion. Also, it is the time for us to pray for our deceased loved ones so they may enter the Pure Land. We welcome you and your family to join us to share the Dharma benefits.