South Asia Humanistic Buddhist Study Group Report

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South Asia Humanistic Buddhist Study Group Report
Report writer: Dr. Karuna Laxmi Shakya
Name of Chapter: Kathmandu Sub- Chapter
The session was started by reading each paragraph by participants turn by turn. After that discussion started and participants participated in the group discussion. There were nine different guiding questions put by Ven. Mia Ru for discussion smoothly. The flow of report is accordingly each guiding question.
The first question was “What are four Immeasurables? Could anyone answer this?” – in this regard, participants told that the four Immeasurbles are loving kindness, compassion, Joy and Equanimity. Upholding four measurables not only will one’s merit and wisdom increases, it also eliminates afflictions.
The second question was on “How does the Immeasurable loving kindness benefit in your life? Any incidents that you want to share with us regarding this question?”. Participants shared their experiences in different perspectives like Sis Bashu (Nurse), Kathmandu Sub chapter member shared her experience of working with elderly people, who are suffering from dementia. If they are dealt with love and kindness, they behave well and cooperate well. Si Gu Ben Won said “I did dealing with community in Bodha Gaya with love and kindness, in the result they (community people) did not do toilet in our land”. Ven Mia Ru mentioned that even one has anger outside to get the things done, always keep compassion and love inside the heart for people.