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點一盞心燈 祈願全天下的父母身體健康 一切眾生平安吉祥。
耑此順頌 仁和安康 富樂吉祥

Dear Devotees,
Light represents brightness and wisdom. Avatamsaka Sutra says “A light of wisdom can pierce
through darkness”. During Wesak Day, FGS PJSS3 offers the opportunity for the general public to offer
lights. Just as the Buddha’s light shines upon us, the Buddha resembles light, which opens up our hearts,
giving us warmth and support. When there is Buddha’s light within our hearts, we can become sages and
Buddha as all will be fulfilled and reach perfection. As we offer the lights to the Buddha, most important is
that we light up our spirits. The Buddha land is filled with brightness and is boundless, there is no
darkness within the Buddha’s heart. Light offering will raise our right mindfulness and faith, thereby
increasing our confidence.
Make a light offering ,may all parents have good health, all sentient beings auspicious blessed